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La Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) es un enfoque sistemático científicamente probado para la gestión del biofilm dental en la atención preventiva profesional. Utilizando las avanzadas tecnologías AIRFLOW® MAX, PERIOFLOW® y PIEZON® PS, GBT elimina eficazmente el biofilm de dientes, tejidos blandos e implantes.


Forteza Llompart, María José
Forteza Llompart, María José
Spain, Palma de Mallorca

Higienista dental con mas de 20 años de experiencia, especializada en periodoncia. Practica privada en Instituto Balear de Periodoncia.

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Albor Fernandez, Montse
Albor Fernandez, Montse
Spain, Gijón

Higienista dental con mas de 20 años de experiencia, especializada en periodoncia.<7p>

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Schoeneich, Brigitte
Schoeneich, Brigitte
Switzerland, EGG
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박, 정현
박, 정현
Republic of Korea, 서울
민철기/ 하이안치과 쌍문점/ 서울 도봉구/ 010-4552-0318
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Challet-Hayard, Florent
Challet-Hayard, Florent
France, Etretat

Pratique privée à Etretat (76)

  • Diplômé de la Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire de Paris V
  • Traitement parodontal initial sans chirurgie
  • Pratique de l'orthodontie (formation CETO)
  • Attaché à l'hôpital Flaubert du Havre
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Von Wietersheim, Marion
Von Wietersheim, Marion
Germany, Backnang
Mein Studium zur dipl. Dentalhygienikerin HF in Zürich, welches ich 2017 abgeschlossen habe, hat mir gezeigt, wie bedeutend wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Zahnmedizin ist. Daher kommt auch mein Interesse evidenzbasiert zu arbeiten, Dinge zu hinterfragen und immer breit zu sein neue Wege zu gehen. Die GBT vereint all das, wonach ich immer gesucht habe. Ich erlebe täglich im Praxisalltag, wie viel orale Prävention bei Patienten wirklich bewirken kann. Daran stetig weiterzuarbeiten und gleichzeitig an diesem Erfolgen beteiligt zu sein ist ein großartiges Gefühl und treibt mich an.
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Cristina Giacomuzzo
Cristina Giacomuzzo
Italy, Gallarate

Mi sono laureata in Igiene Dentale nel 2017 presso l'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria, svolgo la mia attività in provincia di Varese e Como con particolare interesse per il protocollo GBT e la gestione del paziente con malattia parodontale.

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박, 정현
박, 정현
Republic of Korea, 서울

서울대학교 치과대학 졸업
서울대학교 치과병원 치주과 전공
대한치주과학회 이사
대한구강악안면임플란트학회 이사
대한악안면임플란트학회 이사
진료심사평가위원회 비상근심사위원
한국의료분쟁조정중재원 의료사고감정단 위원
보아치과 대표 원장

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Christina Chatfield
Christina Chatfield
United Kingdom, Brighton

Christina Chatfield, a dental hygienist, is clinical director and owner of Dental Health Spa Ltd. which opened on the high street of Brighton in September 2007.

Entrepreneur and passionate healthcare professional raising the profile of the dental hygienist and improving access to the dental team through a collaborative approach to implementing direct access.

Committed to raising awareness to oral cancer and driving support for HPV vaccinations for boys through campaigning and fundraising for the Oral Health Foundation.

She has over 20 years experience in practice and has worked within major blue chip health companies. She qualified from Dundee in 1982 and moved to Brighton with her 3 children in 1994. Her experience within healthcare has enhanced both her clinical and continued academic learning, as well as building synergistic working relationships from all areas of the dental industry. Christina is passionate about empowering the patient and making dental hygiene treatments easily accessible for all.

A participant expert meeting held at the EuroPerio8 in London on the 4 June 2015 // Recommendations on the clinical application of air polishing for the management of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis (Quintessence International Schwarz et al) // Co founder of Moveit4smiles an oral health imitative that sits within the Oral Health Foundation // Lay board member for Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adults Board // Trainer EMS/Swiss Dental Academy // KOL Philips Oral Health Care // Winner of Brighton & Hove Business Awards 2013 for best customer service // Winner of DH&T award for best dental hygienists 2012, nationally // Winner of DH&T award for best dental marketing 2012

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Di Nurra, Daniela
Di Nurra, Daniela
Italy, Alghero

Laureata all’Università di Genova nel 2011 in Igiene dentale, sono stata Tutor clinico all’Istituto Stomatologico Toscano per 5 anni e oggi lavoro presso il mio studio ad Alghero.

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Bruzzo, Chiara
Bruzzo, Chiara
Italy, Genova

Laureata in Igiene Dentale presso l’Università degli Studi di Genova nel 2017, pratico la mia attività professionale a Genova.
Dopo la laurea, per perfezionarmi sempre di più e  prendermi cura dei miei pazienti nel miglior modo possibile, ho frequentato vari corsi di formazione.
Divento GBT Trainer nel 2020, adoro aiutare i colleghi a introdurre questo protocollo nella propria pratica clinica e imparo da ogni studio dove tengo i corsi qualcosa di nuovo.

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Chirurgien-dentiste Diplômée de la faculté de Bordeaux, 2013
Exercice limité à la parodontologie Cabinet Paro-Roosevelt

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Dubovitskaya, Zhanna
Dubovitskaya, Zhanna
Spain, Torrevieja

Higienista bucodental, practica privada en clínica dental Ap-Denta. Nativa en español y ruso.

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Martínez Corral, Sandra
Martínez Corral, Sandra
Spain, Logroño

Higienista dental especializada en estética y blanqueamiento orientada a brindar atención dental de alta calidad, así como capacitación y educación para prevenir enfermedades orales bajo una filosofía mínimamente invasiva.

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Palumbo, Victor
Palumbo, Victor
Italy, azzano san paolo

Laureato in odontoiatria e protesi dentaria nel 2019, esercito la professione in provincia di Foggia dedicandomi prevalentemente alla parodontologia e all’odontoiatria adesiva.

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