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GBT (Guided Biofilm Therapy)는 단계적이고 예지성이 있으 임상적으로 입증된 모듈식의 체계적인 구강 바이오필름 관리 프로토콜입니다. 최신 테크놀로지 에어플로우® MAX, 페리오플로우®, 피에존®을 활용하여 치아, 연조직, 임플란트 주위 질환을 치료하고 예방합니다.

강사 소개

Dubovitskaya, Zhanna
Dubovitskaya, Zhanna
Spain, Torrevieja

Higienista bucodental, practica privada en clínica dental Ap-Denta. Nativa en español y ruso.

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Centracchio, Mauro
Centracchio, Mauro
Italy, Turin

Igienista dentale laureato presso Università La Sapienza di Roma nel 2009 e specializzato in gestione della malattia parodontale. Opero come consulente nello studio SICOR a Torino, dove partecipo anche alla stesura di articoli e ricerche scientifiche.
Socio SIdP e IAO, ho conseguito un Master di specializzazione in Parodontologia presso l'Università di Roma La Sapienza.

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Natoli, Valentino
Natoli, Valentino
Italy, Taranto

Attualmente studente di dottorato di ricerca in Biomedicina, mi sono laureato in Odontoiatria nel 2016. Sono autore di pubblicazioni scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali, relatore a congressi e vincitore di premi scientifici.

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Brognoli, Valentina
Brognoli, Valentina
Italy, Brescia

Laureata con Lode presso l’Università degli Studi di Brescia nel 2018 e docente al corso ASO presso il CFP Zanardelli di Brescia.
Sono membro della Commissione d’Albo igienisti dentali di Brescia. Dal 2019 al 2021 ho lavorato come Tutor clinico presso la clinica odontoiatrica degli Spedali Civili di Brescia e attualmente opero come libera professionista presso tre studi di Brescia.

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Varrati, Angelo
Varrati, Angelo
Italy, Castel Di Sangro

Igienista dentale laureato nel 2008 presso l'Università Sapienza di Roma, ho frequentato nel 2010 un corso annuale di perfezionamento in Igiene orale professionale e terapia parodontale non chirurgica presso l'Università di Chieti. Sono iscritto alla Società Italiana di Parodontologia e opero come consulente presso le cliniche svizzere Adent Clinique a Ginevra. Attualmente sono titolare di uno studio professionale di igiene dentale Castel di Sangro (AQ). 

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Pinder, Jolene
Pinder, Jolene
United Kingdom, Troon (Scotland)

Jolene Pinder is a dental hygienist based at The Dental Health Spa in Brighton. She qualified as a dental hygienist in the Royal Navy in 2001. After leaving the military she has worked in various practices throughout the UK. Jolene has a special interest in behavioural change and she has used this to inspire and educate fellow dental professionals. She has been a Swiss dental academy trainer since 2013 and teaches in the UK on Guided biofilm therapy. She had articles published on tooth whitening, making hygiene treatment profitable and implant maintenance. Jolene is the Study club director for dental hygienists and therapists for the International team for implantology.

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Von Wietersheim, Marion
Von Wietersheim, Marion
Germany, Backnang
Mein Studium zur dipl. Dentalhygienikerin HF in Zürich, welches ich 2017 abgeschlossen habe, hat mir gezeigt, wie bedeutend wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in der Zahnmedizin ist. Daher kommt auch mein Interesse evidenzbasiert zu arbeiten, Dinge zu hinterfragen und immer breit zu sein neue Wege zu gehen. Die GBT vereint all das, wonach ich immer gesucht habe. Ich erlebe täglich im Praxisalltag, wie viel orale Prävention bei Patienten wirklich bewirken kann. Daran stetig weiterzuarbeiten und gleichzeitig an diesem Erfolgen beteiligt zu sein ist ein großartiges Gefühl und treibt mich an.
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Donald, Faye
Donald, Faye
United Kingdom, Wetherby

Faye Donald is a registered dental hygienist currently practicing Guided Biofilm Therapy in the UK.

After graduating from Leeds University in 2001, she went on to complete the NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills. Faye received national award recognition in 2013 when she was crowned "Best Hygienist" at the DH&T National Industry Awards, in 2015 when she was crowned "UK’s Dental Hygienist of The Year" and in 2017 when she was again crowned winner of "UK's best hygienist" at the National Oral Health Awards. Faye is also chairperson for the North East BSDHT (British Society for Dental Hygiene and Therapy) where she is actively involved in supporting her peers and driving forwards standards within the dental industry. Faye underwent her training at the Swiss Dental Academy to become a certified SDA trainer in 2016 and has since delivered more than 50 GBT courses to audiences both nationally and internationally on the role of AIRFLOW® and Guided Biofilm Therapy in dental prophylaxis.

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Gallie, Amanda
Gallie, Amanda
United Kingdom, Stamford

Amanda has a passion for dentistry and in 2008 became one of the first UK Swiss Academy Trainers for EMS. She has given many courses on Piezon technology, Biofilm management and Guided Biofilm therapy. (GBT). Amanda is the Immediate Past President of the British Association of Dental Therapists.

She became a hygienist in 1996 where she qualified from Manchester Dental school and then after spells in Specialist practice and the hospital service, taught Dental Hygiene at Sheffield dental school and then moved to Kings College Dental Institute in London.

Amanda has lectured nationally and internationally and talks on various topics. These include :- Behavioural change, Periodontal screening, Implant maintenance, fluoride varnish application for nurses, Impression taking, Biofilm theory/ GBT and Caries risk assessment.

Amanda completed and published research on the subject of Nursing Assistance for the Dental Hygienist in 2011. She completed a tutor’s conversion to Dental therapy in 2012 and became President elect of the British Association of Dental therapists in 2015.

She is an MSC student at King’s College London reading Advanced Minimal Intervention Dentistry.

Amanda presently works part time for Leicester Community dental services as a Therapist, treating anxious children and Special needs patients. She also works for Bupa Dental care in Stamford, Lincolnshire and lectures part time.

Amanda sits on the Bupa Dental Care Clinical advisory board and is a member of the BSDHT and BADT.

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Galeazzi, Nicolò
Galeazzi, Nicolò
Italy, Jesi (AN)

Odontoiatra con master di 2º livello in Parodontologia. Esercita la libera professione nella provincia di Ancona

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Romero Salgueiro, Marta
Romero Salgueiro, Marta
Spain, Pontevedra

Higienista bucodental dedicada a la periodoncia y al tratamiento de pacientes con necesidades especiales. divulgadora en redes sociales. Amante y defensora de los animales.

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Von de Fenn, Nina
Von de Fenn, Nina
Germany, Krefeld

Nina ist gelernte Zahnarzthelferin und hat sich im Laufe der letzten 25 Jahre ihrer Berufszugehörigkeit immer und gerne weitergebildet, durch ihre beiden Aufstiegsfortbildungen zur ZMF und dann weiter zur DH ist sie seit 2015 stolz ein Teil des Teams der Swiss Dental Academy zu sein und als GBT Coach ihr Wissen und ihre Behandlungserfahrungen rund um die Technologien AirFlow & Piezon No PAIN sowie das dazugehörige Behandlungskonzept der Guided Biofilm Therapie in Zahnarztpraxen, Dentaldepots und Universitäten weiterzugeben.
Zudem ist sie in einer Zahnarztpraxis als Dentalhygienikerin tätig. Nina unterstütz die SDA auch bei spezifischen Kundenanfragen, speziell rund um das Hygienemanagement und die Aufbereitung.

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Middleton, Anna
Middleton, Anna
United Kingdom, London

Anna is a dedicated and passionate multi award-winning dental hygienist & therapist. She started her business “London Hygienist” with the mission to change the way oral health care is delivered to patients.

Anna studied at the Eastman Dental Hospital after working as a dental nurse, and graduated in 2015 from the Faculty of Royal College of Surgeons before completing a one year top up BSc (Hons) Oral Science at the University of Essex 2021.

Anna is a key opinion leader for Philips, Align Tech, Orascoptic, a global Guided Biofilm Therapy ambassador and Swiss Dental Academy trainer for EMS Dental. She is also a member and ambassador for the British Society of Hygiene and Therapy & British Society of Periodontics. Anna lectures and writes regularly for both industry and consumer press.

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Christina Chatfield
Christina Chatfield
United Kingdom, Brighton

Christina Chatfield, a dental hygienist, is clinical director and owner of Dental Health Spa Ltd. which opened on the high street of Brighton in September 2007.

Entrepreneur and passionate healthcare professional raising the profile of the dental hygienist and improving access to the dental team through a collaborative approach to implementing direct access.

Committed to raising awareness to oral cancer and driving support for HPV vaccinations for boys through campaigning and fundraising for the Oral Health Foundation.

She has over 20 years experience in practice and has worked within major blue chip health companies. She qualified from Dundee in 1982 and moved to Brighton with her 3 children in 1994. Her experience within healthcare has enhanced both her clinical and continued academic learning, as well as building synergistic working relationships from all areas of the dental industry. Christina is passionate about empowering the patient and making dental hygiene treatments easily accessible for all.

A participant expert meeting held at the EuroPerio8 in London on the 4 June 2015 // Recommendations on the clinical application of air polishing for the management of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis (Quintessence International Schwarz et al) // Co founder of Moveit4smiles an oral health imitative that sits within the Oral Health Foundation // Lay board member for Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adults Board // Trainer EMS/Swiss Dental Academy // KOL Philips Oral Health Care // Winner of Brighton & Hove Business Awards 2013 for best customer service // Winner of DH&T award for best dental hygienists 2012, nationally // Winner of DH&T award for best dental marketing 2012

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Journoud, Caroline
Journoud, Caroline
France, LYON

Pratique privée à Lyon (69)

  • Certificat Formation continue en Parondontologie SFPIO
  • DU Tissus calcifiés, Biomatériaux et Implantologie Université d’Angers
  • Diplôme d’État de docteur en chirurgie dentaire Université Lyon 1 - Claude Bernard
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